Saturday, August 16, 2008

Henry's Future Girlfriend

That's right - I'll be dating an older woman and she'll be robbing the craddle. Does that really count when we're only two weeks apart?

How we met: Our mom's have been friends since grade school. Kate Marie and I met for the first time last weekend womb-to-womb. It was an instant connection. We'll see how things unfold in the next few months when we finally meet face-to-face. There will probably be a lot of drooling, crying and sleeping going on. But what do you expect? We will be infants after all.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

New Gear

Yeah, that's my dad. He insisted on testing out my new gear to make sure it would suit me. Really though, I think he's a bit envious of all my latest toys and secretly plays with them when I'm not around. Just don't let Vader get ahold of my toys. From what I hear, he's the destroyer of all good things.